AU Leadership Portfolio: 2c Social Responsibility

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Leadership and Learning Plan

1a Philosophical Foundations

1b Ethics, Values, and Spirituality

1c Learning and Human Development

2a Effective Communication

2b Mentor/Coach

2c Social Responsbility

3a Resource Development: Human and Financial

3b Legal and Policy Issues

3c Organizational Behavior, Development, and Culture

3d Implementing Change

3e Evaluation and Assessment

4a Reading and Evaluating Research

4b Conducting Research

4c Reporting and Implementing Research

5 Servant Leadership in Technology Facilitation and Collaboration

Synthesis Paper
















































































































































Social Responsibilities: Keeping the world in focus
Social Responsibilities:
Keeping the world in focus

Leadership is accountable to others and endeavors to see that family, community, and environmental needs are met in local, and, as appropriate, in global ways.

*Satisfactory Competency Level

The work for this competency is organized around the areas where I feel socially responsible to my family, community, and environment. I feel a responsibility for several communities within my circle of influence. I love nature and want to care for the environment. I have a heart for Adventist education and want to contribute to it even though I work in public education. I have a passion for international cultural experiences and bring this to public and Adventist education. I desire to contribute to my church community in service.


Evaluations or verification artifacts are indicated with this icon.
Leadership and Learning Group contributions are indicated with this icon.




A. Personal interest and care for the environment

Canoeing at the base of Mt. Rundle, in Banff, Alberta

Growing up, I have always appreciated the outdoors and had a passion for trees and nature. As I have grown to understand the impact of technology on the environment, and on the health of those dear to me, I have grown in my understanding and ability to make lifestyle choices that are environmentally friendly. This is certainly a journey and area of growth.

Competency Connection
These artifacts show my personal and family concern for the environment.

Artifact Descriptions
i. In 2006, when we needed to upgrade a car, we purchased a Prius hybrid car for my husband's regular use and for our long trips together. In this way we can make a small reduction in the amount of gas we use.

ii. Due to family health issues, we have been trying to reduce our exposure to harmful or untested chemicals. This page describes some of the ways that we have reduced our chemical intake, which has also added less chemicals to the environment around us.

iii. While trying to eat healthy and vegan, we also try to eat organic where possible. These resources we have used in our own eating patterns to be more adaptable to our bodies' needs.

i. Picture of our Prius

ii. Steps to reducing chemical exposure

iii. Resources for allergy rotation diets: Building a rotation diet; sample six week menu; Vegan Gourmet Cooking

B. Meeting needs of Adventist education

One of my passions is to give back to Adventist education, the faith community that made me what I am. While my primary work is with public education, my contract allows me to do other work on the side. These artifacts show some of the ways that I contribute to Adventist education.

Competency Connection
Part of my social responsibility is to my faith community.

Artifact Descriptions
i. I've served on the Adventist Virtual Learning Network board since 2000.

ii. This is one handout for one of several sessions on technology that I presented at the North American Division of Seventh-Day Adventists' Teacher's Convention. Summative feedback is provided in the participant's comment.

iii. The Adventist Virtual Learning Network (AVLN) online conference focused on bringing together faculty and teachers interested in online learning from around the world. I was conference chair in 2005 and 2006.

iv. The Seventh-day Adventist North American Division invited me to speak to the technology committee in 2007. This website has my PowerPoint and supporting materials for the presentation.

v. The materials in this section show some of the resources used in the online courses I have written for Adventist educators.
   a. Internet in the Curriculum was my first online course written in 1999, then redesigned and renamed to Internet Research and Projects in 2004
   b. Designing WebQuests from 2000, also won a WebCT award in 2000 (an expert outside evaluation).
   c. Active Online Teaching, on how to teach online, written for Adventist Virtual Learning Network (AVLN) in 2001
   d. Integrating Technology in the Curriculum, written for Adventist Virtual Learning Network (AVLN) in 2001
   e. Technology in the Early Elementary Classroom, written for Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning 2002, taught also for AVLN with faith integration
   f. Active Online Courses, a follow-up to Active Online Teaching, written for AVLN in 2003
   g. Desire2Learn Mini classes were an effort to teach parts of the Active Online Teaching course in small two week windows along with teaching Desire2Learn to faculty new to that online tool.
   h. A comment from Ruth Pope, then Associate Superintendent for the Southern New England Conference on the impact of Technology in the Early Elementary classroom on one of her reluctant learners, an expert evaluation.

Some files unlinked for privacy reasons.

i. AVLN website

ii.Handout to a session at the 2006 North American Division of Seventh-Day Adventists' Teacher's Convention and feedback from a participant

iii.Screen shots from the AVLN Online Conference 2006

   a. Front Screen of the Conference and sample discussion space

   b. Conference Schedule

   c. Sample Conference Presentation Page

iv. Online resources for presentation to NAD Technology Committee in 2007

v. Online Classes written and taught for AVLN:

   a. Internet Research and Projects

   b. Designing WebQuests, won WebCT award in 2000

   c. Active Online Teaching

   d. Integrating Technology in the Curriculum

   e. Technology in the Early Elementary Classroom

   f. Active Online Courses

   g. Desire2Learn Minis: Managing Group Projects

   h. Adventist conference superintendent comment.

C. Bringing an international understanding to public and Adventist education

Because of my international experience, I have a passion to bring an understanding of other cultures to both public and Adventist education.

Competency Connection
These artifacts show my social responsibility to helping children understand the world.

Artifact Descriptions
i. As part of my work arranging videoconferences for the schools in Berrien and Cass county, I jump at every chance to bring international connections to our students. Many of them I blog about the experience. These are examples of connections to the many countries our students have talked with.

ii. These summative evaluations are of teachers reflecting on their international videoconference experience.

iii. I created these materials for Adventist and Christian schools to use in worship time to teach students to pray for and understand the countries in the 10/40 window, which is one of the least evangelized areas of the world.

i. Documentation of international videoconferences
  EcoConversations: Water Bottles
  Guess My Pet with Wales, UK
  Teddy Bear Match with Wales
  Mexican Dances
  Visiting Students in Mexico
  Diwali and Halloween with India
  Learning About Australia
  Guatemala and Costa Rica
  Namibia (scroll down to day 4)
  MysteryQuest with Nicaragua
  International MysteryQuest
  HyperMirror with Japan
  Culture Exchange with Pakistan
  Invasive Species with the UK
  Sharing Communities with Pakistan

ii. Participant evaluations from international videoconferences:  Teacher feedback 1 & 2

iii. 10/40 window prayer materials

D. Contributing to my church in service

Another area of social responsibility for me is contributing to my church with my time and service.

Competency Connection
These artifacts show how I make time to fulfill my social responsibilities to my church.

Artifact Descriptions
i. I serve as the webservant for my church, Pioneer Memorial Church, which has two websites: one for the church members and one for outreach. I work with both sites.

ii. These notes are from church staff regarding my work on the websites.

iii. Three times a year, my husband and I travel to Camp Au Sable and volunteer in the kitchen. This note from one of the food service staff shows my contribution. The picture to the left shows food preparation for Women's Ministries Weekend, April 2009.

Files unlinked for confidentiality.

i. Link to PMC websites: Pioneer Memorial Church and New Perceptions

ii. Notes from church staff

iii. Note from Camp Au Sable staff

E. Blog entries and Leadership and Learning Group contributions.

In these final two artifacts, I connect my work in videoconferencing to a reduction of CO2 emissions; and make a contribution to the learning of my Leaders and Learning Group.

Competency Connection
These artifacts show how I connect my work to my learning, and also meet the requirement of a contribution to the learning of my leadership peers.

Artifact Descriptions
i. These blog entries will be posted in February 2010 in celebration of Berrien RESA's Green Meeting Month.

ii. These two book reviews are my contribution to my Leadership and Learning Group.

i. Links to blog entries.

ii. Leadership and Learning Group Contribution: Two book reviews: Silent Spring and The Comforting Whirlwind and Action Items.

Reflection Paper

In this reflection paper on social responsibility, I consider leadership sources of social responsibility and my personal sources of social responsibility. I reflect on the evidence of social responsibility in my life, ways to improve my practice, and my future growth and learning.


Alexander, K., & Alexander, M. D. (2009). American public school law (Seventh ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Carson, R., Darling, L., & Darling, L. (1962). Silent spring. Boston, MA: Cambridge.

Cottrell, A. B., & Useem, R. H. (1999, April 11). ATCKs maintain global dimensions throughout their lives. Retrieved from

Fullan, M. (2008). The six secrets of change: What the best leaders do to help their organizations survive and thrive. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Gibson, P. R. (2000). Multiple chemical sensitivity: A survival guide. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Greenleaf, R. K. (1998). The power of servant-leadership. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Johnstone, P., & Mandryk, J. (2001). Operation world: When we pray God works (21st Century ed.). Waynseboro, GA: Paternoster Lifestyle.

Louv, R. (2008). Last child in the woods: Saving our children from nature-deficit disorder. Chapel Hill, SC: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill.

Marsden, W. (2008). Stupid to the last drop: How Alberta is bringing environmental Armageddon to Canada (and doesn't seem to care). Toronta, ON: Vintage Canada.

McKibben, B. (2005). The comforting whirlwind: God, Job, and the scale of creation. Cambridge, MA: Cowley Publications.

Muir, J. (1894). The mountains of California. New York, NY: The Century Company.

Rath, T., & Conchie, B. (2008). Strengths based leadership. New York, NY: Gallup Press.

Schultze, Q. J. (2002). Habits of the high-tech heart: Living virtuously in the information age. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.

Senge, P. M. (2006). The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization. New York, NY: Currency Doubleday.

Sisodia, R. S., Wolfe, D. B., & Sheth, J. N. (2007). Firms of endearment: How world-class companies profit from passion and purpose. Philadelphia, PA: Wharton School Publishing.

Thompson, A. (2004). Homes that heal and those that don't: How your home may be harming your family's health. Gabriola, BC: New Society Publishers.

Useem, R. H. (2008). Third culture kid. Retrieved from

White, E. G. (1903). Education. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association.


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