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ASK Specialist: Daniel's Story, by Carol Matas

This is a fictional tale of a young boy and his struggle to survive the Holocaust. Although Daniel is not a real person, his story is based on the real experiences of children
who died in the Holocaust. Your students will learn about life in Germany before the Nazi regime and how life for Jews changed in the 1930's. They will follow Daniel and


his family as they travel to the Lodz ghetto and then to Auschwitz.

Grade Level: 6

This Program is Offered By:

Students Will Interview:

Students will interview Charles Sacavage.
Charles M. Sacavage has spent most of his professional career studying and teaching the Holocaust and Tolerance Education. A former Social Studies Department Chairman at Pottsville Area High School, he is currently an adjunct Professor of History at Alvernia College in Reading, PA. He is beginning his fifth year bringing his message to students at all levels through interactive television programs sponsored by Schuylkill Intermediate Unit 29 and Partners in Distance Learning. Using a combination of technical formats Mr. Sacavage will bring to your classroom his many years of study in these areas. He has visited the Death Camps at Auschwitz, Majdonek, and Treblinka; studied at Yad Veshem in Israel; and presented school programs and teacher workshops on these topics. He has worked with the ADL and attended numerous seminars on both Holocaust and Tolerance. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Holocaust Education Task Force, and also teaches a course for Alvernia College on Diversity in the Classroom.


This page is an archive of a 2010-2018 Wikispaces site that hosted information about the ASK (Author Specialist Knowledge) Process.