The front page of this wiki lists all the ASK programs offered by different organizations that we know of as 2010.
- So visit the front page...
- Select a book....
- See if you are eligible to participate in the program (each organization has different requirements)
- Then go to that organization's registration page
Organizations that Offer ASK Programs:
- Berrien RESA, Michigan (2018 update no longer offering ASK Programs)
- Macomb ISD, Michigan (rarely if ever open to schools outside Macomb county)
- Polycom Special Events (open to Polycom customers only; 2018 update: no longer offering ASK programs)
- TWICE(Michigan's K12 videoconference organization), all programs are open to everyone
- Whirlidurb (no longer offering programs)
This page is an archive of a 2010-2018 Wikispaces site that hosted information about the ASK (Author Specialist Knowledge) Process.