Pictures of the Process of Making the Nativity

The nativity took a lot more experimenting and creativity. We had a definite idea for the manger. Here it is. Then we had to make people and animals big enough to be somewhat proportional.
We tried several ideas for the people and animals, until we settled on making gingerbread animals and people like paper dolls. We found patterns on the Internet for an angel, a camel, a cow, a donkey, and sheep.
Our first try for the animals was to outline them in icing. This table was the "icing" table where we did the work. We also found that fruit rollups make great wise men robes (see the men in red).
Tracing a pattern in icing made a delicate angel.
Here we are working at the icing table. Sugar cones make great trees, as you can see the process beginning on the right. Also, the shepherd boy (also known as the little drummer boy as you'll see in later pictures) is getting his blue garment.
Notice the shepherds, Mary in blue, and the yellow icing lining for the wise men robes. Also note the trees in the background.
A close up of Mary. She looked like an Eskimo until we added the white icing lining. :>
In the background, you'll notice that we're redoing the camels to be more decorative. Our inspiration came from My Bible Friends. Also note the pretzel crosses drying. We wanted to have a bit of foreshadowing in our nativity scene.
Here the camels are a little farther along and we've added bracing to the shepherds and Mary and Joseph so they stand up.
Next we started working on the shed. We thought ivy climbing up the side would be a nice touch.
Ivy wouldn't be complete without leaves.
Or flowers.
See the close up of the icing ivy and flowers.
Finally we began to arrange the pieces on the wooden platform. Here's the wise men.
And a close up - notice the mint presents hanging on his back.
And a couple pictures of how we'd arrange the nativity scene.
Finally, we transported it to the church. See the installation process.