Activities for Morocco

Language Arts

  1. Visit Virtual Tours: Morocco and choose Entertainment, Picture Gallery. Look through these pictures taken for tourists. Would you like to visit there? Why? Also see these pictures from Lonely Planet.
  2. Visit Virtual Tours: Morocco and choose Entertainment, Sports. Choose one you're interested in. How is it similar or different to the way they play or enjoy the sport in your country?
  3. Visit Virtual Tours: Morocco and choose Entertainment, Cuisine. How is their food like yours? Which part of the meal sounds the best to you? Why?
  4. Visit Virtual Tours: Morocco and choose a city to write about. After reading the information, write a paragraph telling why a person should visit that city.
  5. What is the history of the color and star on the flag of Morocco?

Social Studies

  1. Visit Morocco from the U of Penn. Look at the review and find a unique fact about Morocco and the US.
  2. Visit ArabNet - Morocco and find out why Morocco wants control of the Western Sahara. What is this area known as now? Also look at Moroccan pottery for a clue.
  3. Visit ArabNet - Morocco and find out what Morocco's economy is based on. What are the two focus areas in this "industry"?
  4. Visit ArabNet - Morocco and find out about the Berber people. What connection do they have to pirates?
  5. Visit Miftah Shamali - Morocco for more travel information.
  6. Visit Atlapedia: Morocco and look at the maps. See this map too. Describe the land forms and name them if info is given. What countries border Morocco? What country has a border dispute with Morocco? What is the capital? What sea is north of Morocco? What is west of Morocco?


  1. Visit Lonely Planet: Morocco and look at the money and costs. If you took US $200 to Morocco and rode on a bike to get around, how many days could you stay on budget meals and budget hotels? Let's say you stay in the cheapest hotels and eat two $5 meals a day and one $10 meal.


  1. Look at the pictures from language arts question #1. What else can you pray for?
  2. *Read this mission story that could have happened in Morocco. What can you pray for?

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