Activities and Answers for Ethiopia

Language Arts

  1. Visit this site with lots of pictures of Ethiopia. You'll find them in the text. Write what you can learn from looking at the pictures! Answers will vary.

Social Studies

  1. What country was part of Ethiopia for many years, and just recently gained its independence? Eritrea What was the date of its independence? May 24, 1993
  2. Visit Atlapedia's Ethiopia map. Why do you think the Ethiopia might have wanted to keep control of the country mentioned in # 1? some answer related to the sea and ports for trade (if you've done Djibouti already, remember how Djibouti's main trade is from Ethiopia out to the world) What countries surround Ethiopia? Eritrea, Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti Look at the physical map of Ethiopia. What kind of land is there? very mountainous (isn't it interesting that Ethiopia has all the mountains in the area!) Look at this map. What is the capital of Ethiopia? Addus Ababa What river is connected to a famous river running through Egypt? Blue Nile
  3. Visit Atlapedia, Ethiopia. See if you can find out what place is said to be the hottest place on earth. Danakil Depression Why do you think that would be so? in the northeast it dips to 116 metres (361 feet) below sea level
  4. Visit Ethiopian News and U of Penn Ethiopia Page for more info.


  1. Visit Atlapedia, Ethiopia. About how many people live in each square mile? about 133 people How many miles of railroads and roads do they have in Ethiopia? 24,957


  1. Visit the Bible Gateway and look up Ethiopia in the Bible. Find at least three mentions of Ethiopian people. Hint, use the KJV version and search Ethiopia* so you get both Ethiopia and Ethiopian. Moses' wife (Numb. 12:1); the Ethiopian who pulled Jeremiah out of the well (Jeremiah 38:12); the Ethiopia prince Philip talked to (Acts 8:27)

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