Activities and Answers for Bangladesh

Language Arts

  • Visit the On Line Bengali Tutor and learn to say "My name is ..." in Bengali. Am-Ar nA-m here. Hear a greeting in Bengali. What does it mean in English? Hello! Let there be peace everywhere.
  • Visit Cyber Bangladesh and choose image. What do the pictures tell you about the country? Answers will vary.
  • Visit Virtual Bangladesh and choose the Grand Tour. Look at the holidays. Which holidays are similar to yours? Independence Day, New Year, Christmas, May Day.

Social Studies

  • Visit Virtual Bangladesh and choose the Grand Tour. Look under icons and symbols and find out the significance of the tiger and the Shaheed Minar. The tiger is the Royal Bengal Tiger and the Shaheed Minar is a reminder of their fight with Pakistan to preserve their language. What icons and symbols are important in your country? Answers will vary.
  • Visit Virtual Bangladesh and choose the Grand Tour. Look at the maps and the land resources. Here is another map from Atlapedia. What natural disaster do you think is most likely to happen in Bangladesh? flooding What Bay borders Bangladesh? Bay of Bengal What are the names of the main rivers? BRAHMAPUTRA, GANGES, and Meghna.
  • Look at this map of Bangladesh. What is the capital of Bangladesh? Dhaka What countries border Bangladesh? India and Myanmar (Burma)
  • Visit Virtual Bangladesh and choose the Grand Tour. Look at the history. What country did Bangladesh get its freedom from? Pakistan
  • Visit Online Tour Guide and choose the Archeological and Historic Sites. Chose one or two and report what you learned about Bangladesh and its history. Answers will vary. You could have them report to the class.
  • Cyber Bangladesh has many links to other Bengali sites.


  • Visit Destination Bangladesh and look at the facts for the traveler. If you take $50 US dollars to Bangladesh, how many taka will you get for your dollars? 2000 If you spend half your money on expensive hotel rooms and half your money on expensive restaurant meals, how many nights can you stay? 16 nights How many meals can you eat? 16 meals


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