Activities and Answers for Azerbaijan

Language Arts

  1. Visit Azerbaijan International and scroll down to Topics. Choose Just for Kids and read the article about Red. Name some reasons why red is the important color in Azerbaijan. The name means Land of Fire from the natural fires; they use red dye in pottery and carpets and clothes; they believe red protects them; it means freedom and blood; they give red flowers, they use red in their celebrations, etc, If you were going to choose a color for your country, what would it be? Write about why the color is important in your country. Answers will vary.
  2. Visit Azerbaijan International and scroll down to Topics. Choose Just for Kids and read the article about Ali Jafar. What did you learn about people in Azerbaijan? What do you like to draw? Draw a scene from the past like Ali Jafar likes to do. Write about someone you know who does things well. Answers will vary.
  3. Visit Azerbaijan International and scroll down to Topics. Choose Just for Kids and read "Me and Granny..." Write a similar story about your grandparent or another relative.Answers will vary.
  4. Read the other stories on the pages mentioned above. See if you can find out how Azerbaijani's begin their imaginary stories. No, it isn't "once upon a time." There was a time and there wasn't a time - in the cloth peddler story.

Social Studies

  1. Visit Azerbaijan International and scroll down to Topics. Choose Photo Essays. Choose a few and describe what it would be like to live in the country. What did you learn from the pictures? Answers will vary.
  2. Visit Azerbaijan and read about the issues related to government and the war going on. Then listen to the National Anthem. How would you feel if you were Azeri? How is there anthem similar or different from your country's? Answers will vary. They should get the idea of the country being in grief and pain from the war.
  3. Look at the Physical Map and Political Map of Azerbaijan and surrounding countries. Describe the land forms in Azerbaijan. mountainous What countries make up its border? Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Iran (and Turkey is close) What sea does it border? Caspian Sea
  4. InfoHub Azerbaijan Travel Guide has more links many of which are outdated.


  1. Visit Azerbaijan International and scroll down to Topics. Choose Just for Kids and read about the snake venom. What are some ways snake venom is used medically? to stop bleeding when nothing else will; as an anesthetic; for muscular diseases.


  1. Vast Azerbaijan - Atlapedia Online and look at the transportation. How many miles do railroads and roads total? 24,103 mi. How many more miles of roads are there compared to railroads? 21,505 mi.


  1. Visit Azerbaijan International and scroll down to Topics. Choose Just for Kids and read the story about Children's Art and War. What can you pray for?
  2. Read this prayer needs summary and information from Operation World. What else can you pray for?
  3. *Read ADRA News about Azerbaijan. What can you pray for?

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